Biogas Technology provides tailor made tank tops to fit any size or type (concrete, steel, etc) of digesters. The tank top advantage compare to the slab mounted is the footprint savings and the savings related to the double function of the tank top: as a tank cover and as a buffer tank. The disadvantage of this type of gasholder are: more expensive maintenance and a higher technical complexity when we are designing a high pressure gasholder. 


Standard Tank top

The standard tank top gasholders work form 2mbar to 10mbar.

High pressure Tank top

Biogas Technology provides tank top gasholders working up to 50mbar.




Biogas Technology provide various combinations for this type of gasholder depending the digester type, pressure storage capacity, etc. Bellow we show some of the additional equipment:


Catcher system

The catcher system keeps out the inner membrane form the digester.

Digester access box

It provides access to the digester to install sensors or remove agitators from the digester.